Monday, February 28, 2011

Last one :))

The Lottery Ticket

Ok let's start ahmm there's a guy name Ivan Dmitritch. He was a middle class man and he lived with his wife Masha. His life was great then he was checking the newspaper to look for the ticket, then he realized that the ticket in the newspaper is the same with their ticket. The series 9499 number 26, When he saw that he is starting to dream to spend more money. That ticket was from his wife and he become selfish. Then he look again in the newspaper at the fourth page the series is 9499 nubmer 446! not 26!

So the lesson here is that Lottery tickets makes your life miserable or it change your attitude.

Our Lady's Juggler

Our Lady's Juggler

Barnabas is a native Compiegne, he is a juggler and a religious man. He can juggle six copper balls using his feet and he can also juggle 12 knives. One day he saw a monk walking in the same direction so they fell into conversation. After that the monk invited Barnabas in the monastery. In the monastery which he entered there are also monks with different talents.

The Prior wrote books. Brother Maurice copied treaties with a cunning hand. Brother Alexandre he is a painter, he decorated with delicate miniatures representing the Queen of Heaven. And finally, Brother Marbode he makes sculptures.

Barnabas got conscious because he doesn't know what to contribute to the Virgin Mary. But he has 1 talent he can show and that is juggling.

Ok my lesson is don't be shy if that's the only talent you've got. All of us has their own talents.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Adios!! Cordera!

Adios! Cordera!

This is about a cow who is not treated like an animal but part of a family. Cordera is the name of the cow, Pinin and Rosa are the two children who always plays with Cordera and Anton de Chinta is the father and the owner of the cow. Every time Cordera see the railroad she got scared because that railroad is the way to the slaughter house. When Anton de Chinta have a problem he needs money for his family so the only choice is to sell Cordera. He knows it's hard to let go but he doesn't have any choice. When Cordera left the children, Pinin and Rosa got sad and say goodbye to their friend. Adios! Cordera!! 

So that's it if you love an animal like a dog you should treat it like a part of your family. And sometimes you need to learn how to let go even if  it is very hard. hehehe

7th post

Don Quixote 

This is about a man who thinks that he is a knight his name is Don Quixote but some say that his surname was Quixada, or Quesada. He is a hale and strong complexion, lean-bodied, and thins bodied, and thin-faced, an early riser, and a lover of hunting. He named his horse Rocinante meaning vulgar breed of horse. He also fell in love with a girl name Aldonza Lorenzo but he resolved to call her Dulcinea del Toboso. He made his own armor a thin plates of iron and he made a kind of half-beaver, or vizor.

 He is a crazy guy thinking that he is a real knight but it look so stupid hehehe. So the lesson here is don't take your imagination seriously.

Woohoo!! :)) WE WON! :P

In our english week we won wooohooo!!! We really practiced very hard to win :))
It was fun and we thought we will not win but yeah!! we did wooohooo!! OH YEAH! 


4th Faraday!! 

The lesson here is you should have fun together.

My 5th post :))

We have an activity we share our love poems and explain it in the class heheh :))
This is my poem.

A Moment In Time

If ever there's a moment,
Where I can call you mine,
I'd cherish it forever,
Even if it is just a speck of time.

If ever I told you the truth and you loved me too,
I'd thank the stars I've wished upon and everything that led to you.

I see you with everyone else and hope I might have a turn,
But in the end the pity of your love is all I'll ever learn.

Maybe one day you'll look at me the way I look at you,
And come to realize the beauty of my heart the you've been looking through.

So close, but yet too far for me,
I can't help but live off what could be.

And I wish that I could tell you the secrets of my heart,
But if I did I fear our friendship would fall apart.

So from a close distance I admire what will never come to be.
I'll take what I can get from you and live off of a vision of what could be.

And if ever there's a moment where I can call you mine.....
....I'd cherish it forever, even if it's just a speck in time....

I can only explain 1 stanza "And if ever there's a moment where I can call you mine.... I'd cherish it forever, even if it's just a speck in time... 
If I will be with you just for small amount of time I will cherish it forever. hehe mukhang nde ko inexplain ah :)) hehe 

Major Dramatists of the Athenian Age


He was a poet by profession and he was regarded by the Athenians as the father of tragedy. He is reputed to have written seventy tragedies. The genius of Aeschylus was in the awful and sublime rather than in the tender and pathetic.

He is called the theological poet because his plays had great spiritual and religious fervor. His greatest work is considered to be Prometheus. The hero of this play is a Titan was chained and tortured on a rock in the Caucasus because he had, against the explicit orders of Zeus.

Aeschylus is called the soldier playwright because he took part in the Battle of Marathon and in the Battle of Salamis. He also wrote the trilogy Oresteia which is composed of three plays: Agamemnon, Cheophori and Eumenides.